Invitation for Pre-qualification
До окончания осталось:
ICB No MMPC/ICB/01/Twin/Re/511108; Selection of an international twinning partner for provision of training in radiology and teleradiology for medical and non-medical personnel in the Regional Medical Multi-Profile Centres of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
[KfW Loan/ Grant: BMZ No 2009 67 026 / 2011 65 943; BMZ No 2009 70 350 / 2011 70 133]
[BMZ No 2013 65 907 / 2013 70 097] [Grant BMZ No. 2015 67 445/ 2015 70 076]
The project Modernization of Medical Multi-Profile Centres of the Regions Phase I and phase II and phase II included the procurement and installation of high-technology imaging diagnostic equipment such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and x-rays.
In order to assist the MoH and the involved hospitals to increase the capacities of health professionals, on the effective and efficient use of advanced technologies, it is intended to engage an international institute as a twinning partner with previous knowledge and experience on implementing training programs in the area of imaging through onsite trainings/supervision and teleradiology.
The selection of the international institution will be conducted by means of the International Competitive Bidding (ICB) procedure with qualification as specified in KfW’s Procurement Guidelines (“KfW Guidelines”).
ICB will be conducted in accordance with the two Stage/ two Envelope procedure, open to all Applicants from eligible source countries. The evaluation of the Prequalification documents will be done by a Bid Evaluation Committee nominated by the Employer. The Prequalification Evaluation Report, the Request for Proposals, the Bid Evaluation Report and the draft Contract is subject to No-Objection by KfW.
A complete electronic set of Prequalification documents in English are available to interested Applicants upon a written request at this email address:
Mr. Nigmanjon Rasulov
Parkentskaya street, 51, Tashkent, 100007, Republic of Uzbekistan
Tel: (+998 71) 268 25 39 (+998 71) 268 08 19; Fax: (+998 71) 267 73 47 (Currier purpose only)
E-mail: nigmanjon.rasulov@ssv.uz
Cc: dxashimov@jpib.uz; mnigmatov28@gmail.com
The request shall include the project name, name of ICB process, applicant’s full name, country of origin, and address of the interested Applicant.
The prequalification documents received from the Employer are not transferable.
The Employer will clarify the requests for clarification in form of circulars and promptly dispatch the available information by email, but under no circumstances will it be held responsible for late delivery or loss of the documents so sent.
For clarification of prequalification purposes only
The address for any clarifications regarding this application is as follows:
Dr. Beatriz CEBOLLA
Email: beatriz.cebolla@gic-group.com;
Cc: christian.jaminon@gic-group.com
The PEA shall be copied into any communication:
Contact PEA:
Dr. Rustamova Dildora ABDUMALIKOVNA
Email: ter.stom020670@mail.ru;
Cc: marat.khodjibekov@gmail.com
The Prequalifications must be delivered to:
· The original (1) Application, one (1) hardcopy and two (2) softcopies (each on a USB flash drive) shall be submitted at the following address:
Address for submission:
Mr. Nigmanjon Rasulov
Parkentskaya street, 51, Tashkent, 100007, Republic of Uzbekistan
Tel: (+998 71) 268 25 39 (+998 71) 268 08 19; Fax: (+998 71) 267 73 47 (Currier only)
The original Application shall be submitted at the above address before 15:00 PM Tashkent time on the 19.07.2024.
· One (1) hardcopy of the application with one (1) softcopy (on a USB flash drive) shall be submitted at following address:
Dr. Beatriz CEBOLLA,
Carlswerkstr. 13d
51063 Cologne (Germany)
Pre-qualifications will be opened in a public session in the presence of the Applicants’ designated representatives.
The prequalification opening shall take place at:
Center for the development of professional qualification
of medical workers (former TashIUV)
Room: Big Conference Hall
Address: 51, Parkentskaya street, 100007, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Date: 19.07.2024 at 15:30 (Tashkent time)
Interested, eligible and qualified International Institution with proven experience in designing and implementing similar projects as an international twinning partner, providing training in the field of medical imaging diagnostics/radiology to medical and non-medical personnel in developing/or transition countries, will be shortlisted to rquested to submit their proposals.