
Invitation for Bids

До окончания осталось:

Modernization of Medical Multi-Profile Centres of the Regions Project (Phase II)

[KfW Loan/ Grant: [BMZ No 2009 67 026 / 2011 65 943; BMZ No 2009 70 350 / 2011 70 133]

[BMZ No 2013 65 907 / 2013 70 097]


ICB No.: MMPC/ICB/23/01/PSA/510957; Procurement of pressure swing adsorption plants (PSA) for medical centers 

The Republic of Uzbekistan has received funding from the German development bank (KfW) toward the cost of the Modernization of Medical Multi-Profile Centres of the Regions (Phase II). It is intended to apply part of the budget to subsidize the procurement of pressure swing adsorption plants (PSA) for medical centers included in the project. 

The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan hereby invites eligible bidders to submit their sealed bids for the supply of the following items of equipment:

Name of Goods


Bid Security Amount

Pressure swing adsorption plants, type 1



36 000 Euro

Pressure swing adsorption plants, type 2


Pressure swing adsorption plants, type 3



Bidding will be conducted by means of the International Competitive Bidding (ICB) procedure with qualification as specified in KfW’s Procurement Guidelines (“KfW Guidelines”). Using the standard bidding documents for Procurement of goods in projects with financing from KfW. https://www.kfw-entwicklungsbank.de/International-financing/KfW-Development-Bank/Publications-Videos/Publication-series/Guidelines-and-contracts/ 

ICB will be conducted accordance with the Single Stage/ One Envelope procedure and it is open to all Bidders from eligible source countries. The evaluation of the bidding documents will be done by a Bid Evaluation Committee nominated by the Purchaser and that the result is subject to No-Objection by KfW. 

A complete electronic set of bidding documents in English are available to interested Bidders upon a written request at this email address:

 yusupov.otabek@ssv.uz,dxashimov@jpib.uz and mnigmatov28@gmail.com.

The request shall include the project name, name of tender, full name, country of origin, and address of the interested Bidder.

The bidding documents received from the Purchaser are not transferable.

English shall be the language of the bids.

The Purchaser will clarify the requests for clarification in form of circulars and promptly dispatch the available information by email, but under no circumstances will it be held responsible for late delivery or loss of the documents so sent.

For clarification of bid purposes only, the Purchaser’s address is


Attention: Mr. Otabek Yusupov

Address: 4, Navoi street, Tashkent, 100011

Country: Republic of Uzbekistan

Email : yusupov.otabek@ssv.uz, dxashimov@jpib.uz and mnigmatov28@gmail.com.

Mandatory in copy (Cc):

Dr. Beatriz CEBOLLA, Project Manager GITEC GmbH

Carlswerkstrasse 13d, 51063 Cologne, Germany

Email: beatriz.cebolla@gic-group.com; christian.jaminon@gic-group.com 

The Bids must be delivered to:

·         The of the Bid, One (1) copy of the Bid: one(1) hardcopy and one (1) softcopy (on a USB flash drive) shall be submitted at following address before 03:00 PM Tashkent time on the 05.04.2024. Late bids shall be rejected.

Bid submission is only possible as a hard copy document (+ 1 softcopy on a USB flash drive). Documents should be submitted to the Purchaser’s address : 

ATTN: Mr. Otabek Yusupov

Address: 51 Parkentskaya street, Таshkеnt city, 100007

Country: Republic of Uzbekistan

Email : yusupov.otabek@ssv.uz,dxashimov@jpib.uz and mnigmatov28@gmail.com.

Telephone/Fax: (+998 71) 268 12 13, 268 25 39, 268-17-29 (For currier poupose only) 

Bids will be opened in a public session in the presence of the Bidders’ designated representatives.

The bid opening shall take place at: 

Address for the opening:  Center for Development of Professional Qualification of Medical Workers (former Tashkent Institute of Medical Education) 

Room: Small conference hall

Address: Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent city,

Mirzo Ulugbek district, 51, Parkentskaya str. 

Date: 05.04.2024

Time: 03:30 Tashkent time

All Bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security.

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